Slide Tests according to LM79,
LM80, TM21 and TM30
Tests according to LM79,
LM80, TM21 and TM30

Tests according to LM79, LM80, TM21, ISTMT and TM30

IES LM-79. “Mediciones Eléctricas y Fotométricas de Productos de Iluminación de Estado Sólido”.

The lm-79-08 is an American standard created by the IES (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) in 2008. It indicates the procedure to measure the photometric, spectral (Colour) and electrical characteristics for LED technology. It was the first standard to talk about LED measurement or Solid-State Lighting Products (SSL) and laid the groundwork for new standards and recommendations such as EN 13032-4 and CIE S 025

Mediante el ensayo se entrega la siguiente información:

Parámetros fotométricos y de color:


Flujo luminoso (lm)


Potencia (W)


Eficacia (lm/W)




Temperatura de color correlacionada CCT


Coordenadas cromáticas x,y y u’v’


Indice de reproducción cromática CRI


Espectro 380nm-780nm

IES LM-80. “Medición del Mantenimiento Lumínico de las Fuentes de Luz LED”.

The lm80 is the North American standard designed by IES to measure the luminous flux depreciation of solid state light sources (SSL), such as LEDS. The lm80 only applies to the light source and never to the luminaire and neither defines nor provides methods for estimating the life of a luminaire.

IES TM-21-11. “Predicción del mantenimiento del flujo luminoso a largo plazo de fuentes de luz LED”

Once the LM80 test is completed, the method recommended by IESNA is applied to extrapolate the degradation of the luminous flux of a module or LED luminaire, based on the data collected according to LM-80. The end point of the extrapolation is typically 70% of the initial light output.

In conclusion, TM-21 does provide an estimate of the luminance maintenance of a LED luminaire based on data collected in LM-80 tests, but it is not a complete tool for estimating the useful life.

Mediante el ensayo se entrega la siguiente información:


Temperatura LED en situación de funcionamiento (ºC)


Temperatura del driver en situación de funcionamiento (ºC)


Corriente alimentación LED (A)


Tensión de alimentación (V)


Curva Temperatura/Tiempo


Projected L_70 Lumen maintenance life (TM21)


Reported L_70 Lumen maintenance life (TM21)


Mantenimiento del flujo a las 6.000h (LM80)

Prueba de medición de temperatura In-SITU (ISTMT)

The ISTM test measures the operating temperature and the power supply of the LED inside the luminaire, in a situation and position equal to that which will be in its normal operation (“in situ”). The measurement is made at the temperature measuring point (Tc point), indicated by the manufacturer of the LED package.

IES TM-30-15. “Método IES para Evaluar el Rendimiento de Color de una Fuente de Luz”

In 2015, IES presented the TM-30 as a method of evaluating colour reproduction of light sources. It can be used to replace or supplement the Colour Reproduction Index (CRI), developed by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and used since 1964 as a worldwide standard for evaluating chromatic reproduction of light sources.

IES TM-30-15 includes:

  • Color fidelity – The Rf index quantifies the exact representation of the colours
  • Color gamut – The Rg index quantifies the average saturation level with respect to the reference illuminants.
  • Color vector graphic – These graphs provide a visual description of the Rf and Rg values.

Mediante el ensayo se entrega la siguiente información:

Parámetros de color


Fidelidad de color Rf


Gama de colores Rg


Gráfico vectorial de color


Espectro 380nm-780nm


Temperatura de color correlacionada CCT


Temperatura de color correlacionada CCT


Indice de reproducción cromática CRI

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Software visualizacion fotometrias

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